Monday, January 30, 2006

LiveOps revisited: An update

Greetings, friends.

Well, I went through the process and LiveOps said that they don't need my services because they have the number of agents they need right now.

However, I do have some good news for anyone considering LiveOps: My wife's friend signed up and has been going strong for a few months. This is her primary source of income, so she can stay home with her kids. She's a single mother.

She absolutely loves LiveOps. So, I'm going to give them a big thumbs up! Even though they didn't want me at this time, I have witnessed firsthand that they can be a legitimate source of income from home!

Anyone else who feels inclined to share their experiences with LiveOps, or anything similar, feel free!


Dave B said...

Thanks for the info on LiveOps. I heard of them and other similar companies through a recent article in the Wall St. Journal. Keep us posted if you find out anymore about this company, or about others such as Alpine Access, Working Solutions, etc. I've looked around on their Web sites and noticed some differences in working arrangements; at least one involves work other than telephone support, and Alpine's agents seem to actually be employees rather than independent contractors.

Did LiveOps say anything about keeping your application on file, whether you'd be on a waiting list for new agents, etc.?

Thanks again for the info!

D said...

Thanks for the comment, launchpad!

I'm glad you asked your question about keeping my application on file. Actually, they did say they would keep my application on file for 90 days, in case the need for more agents arises.

I'll let you know anything I find out about the other companies you mentioned.


D said...

Hi Marie,

Yes, this site is 100% free.

D said...

Steve, thanks for the tip!

D said...

Good luck Brandy! Let us know how it turns out!